Northern Rhode Island Conservation District is committed to providing public information and education in an effort to reduce nonpoint sources of pollution from entering drinking water supplies as well as recreational rivers, lakes, ponds and streams. Scroll down to view our many programs and projects.
Manure Exchange Program
Healthy Farm, Healthy Watershed
The Healthy Farm, Healthy Watershed Project is a farmer-driven education and outreach effort for small scale livestock farmers to improve water quality through their manure practices. The project includes farmer-led workshops, farmer resources, farmer ambassadors, certifications, manure exchange, and more.
To learn about this project, check out the Healthy Farm, Healthy Watershed website:
Snake Den Farm
Snake Den Farm
The Northern Rhode Island Conservation District (NRICD) has been charged with managing and operating Snake Den Farm, owned by the State of Rhode Island. In November 2013, the Northern RI Conservation District signed a lease with the RI Department of Environmental Management to oversee the management of historic Snake Den Farm, a 150–acre farm located on Brown Avenue in Johnston. The farm is located within the boundary of Snake Den Park, a 744-acre State Park that stretches from Hartford Avenue to Greenville Avenue, along the Brown Avenue Historic District. It is the Northern RI Conservation District’s mission to use a sustainable, conservation-minded approach to bring historic Snake Den Farm back into agricultural production.
Learn More
Scituate High School Program
The Scituate Reservoir is a critical source of drinking water and provides over 60% of Rhode Islanders with drinking water. The Scituate Reservoir Watershed Education Program is a partnership between Providence Water and the Northern Rhode Island Conservation District. It was formed to educate landowners in the watershed of the Scituate Reservoir about the connection between land use and water quality, and how they can help protect this precious resource. Click on the link below for details on program components and information on protecting water quality.
Program Components:
Elementary Classroom Presentations • AWEsome! Active Watershed Education Curriculum Teacher Training • Annual Poster Contest for Grades 3-8 • Billboard Campaign • Public Service Announcements • Neighbor to Neighbor: Direct Mailing to New Residents in the Watershed • Public Water Quality Workshops for Adult Residents • Woodscaping Workshops for Residents with 5 or More Acres • Business Bulletins • Water Festival
More Information:
NRICD staff work closely with USDA NRCS to help land operators apply for Farm Bill-funded programs, to write conservation plans, and more. Additionally, NRICD and its Conservation District partners across the state host outreach events and educational efforts to make sure that all eligible producers are aware of the resources available through USDA NRCS.
People's Garden Initiative
Each Conservation District will be seeking to fund projects with a max of $10,000 per project. Eligible proposals will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis beginning on January 31, 2024 at 9:00am and will be accepted until midnight, April 10th, 2024.
Informational Video
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Develop Your Project and Applying for Funding
Application — English
Application — Spanish
The Urban Growers Leadership Program
UGLP Update:
The Urban Growers Leadership Program is a "train the trainer" program that provides leading urban growers with a stipend to support their participation in a workshop series, farm tour, and hands-on farm days that will build their growing skills to share with their communities.
El Programa de Liderazgo para Productores Urbanos es un programa de "capacitación de capacitadores" que brinda a los productores urbanos líderes un estipendio para respaldar su participación en una serie de talleres, visitas a la granja y días prácticos en la granja que desarrollarán sus habilidades de crecimiento para compartir con sus comunidades.
Mpango wa Uongozi wa Wakuzaji Mijini ni programu ya "mfunze mkufunzi" ambayo huwapa wakulima wakuu wa mijini posho ili kusaidia ushiriki wao katika mfululizo wa warsha, ziara za mashambani na siku za mashambani ambazo zitawajengea ujuzi unaokua wa kushiriki na jumuiya zao.
To learn more about the program, check out the Urban Growers Leadership Program page:
Para obtener más información sobre el programa, consulte la página del Programa de Liderazgo de Productores Urbanos:
Yog xav paub ntxiv txog qhov kev zov me nyuam, mus saib hauv Nroog Growers Leadership Program nplooj ntawv:
Shoreline Restoration
On an as-needed project basis, NRICD works with USDA NRCS and RIACD to facilitate large construction and engineering projects that help to conserve natural resources in Providence County. Past efforts have included the design of a new fish ladder for the Blackstone River, the restoration of a flood plane in Johnston, and the design of a large manure storage facility in Smithfield.
Moswansicut Reservoir
Moswansicut Reservoir Outreach & Monitoring Project
NRICD was awarded funding for the Moswansicut Reservoir Project, to provide Scituate, Foster, Glocester, and Johnston residents with information about the Moswansicut Reservoir and provide Clean Not Green workshops and events.
Read Press Release
Urban Rain Garden
See how Rhode Island high school students joined environmental efforts in their city while learning Biology, Ecology and more. A project of the Northern Rhode Island Conservation District working in partnership with USDA—Natural Resource Conservation Service, Shea Senior High, and Woonsocket High School, with support from Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, and Patagonia BOSTON.
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