The Northern Rhode Island Conservation District works in partnership with private land owners, farmers, municipalities, state and federal agencies, as well as non-governmental agencies. NRICD is not a regulatory or enforcement agency, but rather provides assistance to those who desire to work as a team to face issues -- watershed by watershed.

News & Announcements

Seedling Sale 2025
Sales Open Now!   

This year we have a BRAND NEW seedling being offered, as well as your favorites from years past. Why get a bushel of roses when you can get a bundle of seedlings? 

Ordering is now open!
Order link:

New Event!  

One-on-One Assistance with the Carrot Project and NRICD
Thursday, February 27th from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Northern Rhode Island Conservation District Office
2283 Hartford Avenue
Johnston, RI 02919
Plenty of parking on site.

Do you have questions on acquiring or funding land? Looking to start a new farm, or expand your own? Sign up for one-on-one help with the experts in farm funding over at The Carrot Project, right here at the NRICD office in Johnston!

Registration required.

Green Labs Workshops  

Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council & Tri-County Community Action Agency Health Equity Zone Team Up for Green Labs Workshops!

Calling all nature lovers, science enthusiasts, and community changemakers! The Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council (WRWC) and Tri-County Health Equity Zone (HEZ) are teaming up for something BIG—Green Labs Workshops! These hands-on, interactive sessions are all about uncovering the hidden environmental risks in our neighborhoods and learning how to tackle them head-on.

To register, visit:

FREE Livestock Tags Available at NRICD! 

Please contact Molly Allard, District Manager at or call 401.934.0840 ext. 2 to set up an appointment.

Well Water Workshop  

Yearly Well Water Workshop Has Been Scheduled!
Wednesday, May 7, 2025 from 6 - 7 pm

Scituate Community House
546 West Greenville Road
Scituate RI 02857

Learn the importance of regular testing, how to protect your well water from pollution, proper well maintenance, and more! To register, call (401) 874-5398 or email Todd Le, Environmental Education and Outreach Manager, at

NRCS Applications Due  

RI NRCS 3rd Round Applications Due February 28, 2025

Local Working Groups Scheduled  


Calling all Providence County residents!

Can you describe the role of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in your community? Do you have environmental concerns you'd like to see addressed in 2025?

Join us for our public panels, known as local working groups, to discuss and troubleshoot environmental and agricultural issues in Rhode Island directly with those who live and farm here.

Local working groups serve as an advisory committee to help the USDA and its partner agencies, in this case the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Northern Rhode Island Conservation District (NRICD), plan out programming and priorities for the following year. These meetings are free, open to the public, and are formatted as an open discussion forum between local residents and the USDA. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025   6:30 - 7:30 pm
North Scituate Public Library

606 West Greenville Rd., North Scituate, RI 01857

RSVP is not necessary, but appreciated! RSVP here:

Any questions, please reach out to:
Jessamy LeBeau, Outreach Specialist 

Call for Community Volunteers!

Blackstone Parks Conservancy: Woods and Walking Trail Assistance
Blackstone Parks Conservancy is looking for volunteers to help us support the 40 acre Blackstone Park Woods on the Seekonk River and the Blackstone Boulevard Park, with its beloved walking path.

Volunteers are needed to help maintain trails and gardens and replace invasive plants with natives. Contact to get involved!

You can also find more information on the web at

Friends of Lippitt Park: New Pollinator Garden
The Friends of Lippitt Park group has a "green design" subgroup that is looking for volunteers interested in helping to add a pollinator garden to Lippitt Park.

The next Friends of Lippitt Park meeting is February 10, 2025 at 6pm, Vincent Brown Recreation Center, Doyle Ave, Providence, RI 02906, and is open to the public! Those interested in getting the Friends of Lippitt Park newsletter or signing up for volunteering can contact Ethan at

Are you a member of a land trust, community garden club, or other nonprofit group looking to recruit volunteers? Contact Outreach Specialist Jessamy at - we want to help! 

Southern District Opens Survey for Producer and Landowner Feedback  

Southern District is hosting their annual local working group in person, as well as taking online feedback via survey.

Survey link: 

Eastern District Local Working Group Next Week!  

Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District (ERICD) will be hosting a FREE Local Work Group Meeting for Bristol and Newport Counties on February 12th, 2025 at 5:30pm at Greenvale Vineyards in Portsmouth, RI.


Grants Opportunities in February

Applications Due: February 14th 6pm

Are you planning or actively involved in a decorative garden or flower planting project in a publicly visible space in RI this year? Consider applying for a Bloom Rhode Island grant! The application deadline is Friday, February 14th at 6pm.

To qualify, your project must be located in one of the following cities: Central Falls, East Providence, Pawtucket, Providence and/or Woonsocket.

Option 1: Mini-grants - Get up to $500 - any group of 3 or more people can apply here:
Nonprofits or fiscally-sponsored groups are also eligible. Up to 40 mini-grants will be given out this March!

Option 2: Project grants - Get $501-10,000
501c3 nonprofits and groups fiscally sponsored by them can apply here:
Up to $150,000 total of project grants will be given out in March 2025!

What types of projects qualify?
Bloom Rhode Island supports decorative and flowering gardening projects that make publicly visible spaces more joyful. We give grants for:
- Planting of publicly visible and accessible spaces, particularly in densely populated areas
- Maintenance, including compost and watering, of the same
- Design planning for decorative public green spaces and gardens
- Plant identification signage 

The Rhode Island Wild Plant Society is offering grants for up to $2,500 to support individuals with projects related to preserving and protecting our native plants and their habitats. To qualify you must be an educator, a member of a Rhode Island botanical or environmental association or a student in a field related to botany or environmental studies.

The project goal must involve environmental activities or research in any area of study related to native plants and/or their habitats. These activities may involve such things as installation of gardens, invasive removal, or support for extracurricular activities with a community outreach component. It can also be used for project materials, workshops or courses. An applicant must be a Rhode Island resident or a student at a Rhode Island educational institution. The Rhode Island residency does not apply to students.

Applications must be received by February 28, 2025
Apply Here:

Applications Due February 28

From DEM:
"The RIDEM/Division of Agriculture is pleased to announce the availability of Farm Viability grant funds for the purpose of enhancing the Competitiveness of Specialty Crops grown in Rhode Island.

"DEM anticipates that approximately $270,000 will be awarded to projects enhancing the competitiveness of Rhode Island specialty crops. A maximum grant award does not exist and neither DEM nor the SCBGP requires a cost sharing or matching requirement.

"During the 2021 and 2023 funding cycles, the average amount of funding, per award, totaled $36,772 and $30,466, respectively. All projects are subject to the availability of funds. Grant funds for SCBGP projects cannot be expended before September 30, 2025, and a Purchase Order issued to the recipient from the State of Rhode Island. No funds can be expended after September 29, 2028. DEM reserves the right to offer an award amount less than the amount requested.

"Questions regarding this grant and/or the competitive solicitation process should be directed by email to or by telephone at (401) 222-2781."

More information and application: 

RIFCO Winter Workshop Scheduled!  

Save the date! Thursday, March 13th, RIFCO is having Fern Graves, Stewardship Forester with the RI Division of Forest Environment, presenting at an indoor and outdoor workshop to introduce and discuss the new RI Forestry BMP manual at Camp E-Hun-Tee, which is located within the Arcadia Management Area in Exeter, RI. More information to come!

2025 Board Meetings

Join us on the 4th Tuesday of every month for our board meetings! We offer snacks for in-person attendance, and a virtual option on zoom and Youtube Live for those who wish to join at home. See below for upcoming dates.

To join via zoom, click on this recurring link:
Meeting ID: 837 7201 6080

To join on Youtube, visit our channel, Northern RI Conservation District. 

Young Farmer Network Wants Your Insight!

Help brainstorm new winter classes and topics for upcoming farmer skill share circles across New England. This upcoming season they are looking to hold 2-4 courses and, as always, they will be free to attend with childcare, interpretation services, and transportation coordination available at no cost.
Survey Link:

Upcoming Winter Zoom Workshops with the Rhode Island Resource Conservation and Development Council

For more information about the following workshops or to register for the zoom link, please contact Paul Dolan, RI RC&D Director, at 401-500-0399 or

“Birds of New England and Winter Birding in RI”
Presenter: Lisa Maloney, Audubon Community Education Coordinator, Audubon Society of RI
Saturday, January 25, 2025 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

"Winter Wildlife of Rhode Island's Woods & Fisher Cat Populations in Rhode Island”
Co-presenters: Mary Gannon of RI DEM and Laken Ganoe, postdoctoral researcher
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

"Trees & Shrubs of Wetland Habitats in Rhode Island"
Presented by Scott Rabideaux of the Natural Resource Services
Presentation followed by Q&A 
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Envirothon 2025 Has Been Announced!

Next Envirothon Meeting:
Thursday, February 13th @ 3:30 pm

Want to learn more about Envirothon? Join us Thursday either online or in person to find out more about this year's competition, and how you can get involved!

To join us in person, please head to the Northern RI Conservation District office at 2283 Hartford Avenue, Johnston, RI 02919. To attend online, please join using the link below!

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 839 0971 7576
Passcode: 894289

The theme this year is Roots and Resiliency: Fostering Forest Stewardship in a Canopy of Change.
This year’s 2025 Rhode Island competition will be on Friday, May 23, 2025, location and time TBA. The national Envirothon competition will be held at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta, Canada from July 20 - 26, 2025.

What is Envirothon?
Each year over 25,000 high school students across the United States, Canada, China, and Singapore take part in The Envirothon® . It is an environmental problem-solving academic competition for high school and middle school students. Students learn through lessons taught firsthand by professionals as well as outdoor field experiences in the areas of aquatic ecology, forestry, soil health, land use, wildlife preservation, and localized environmental topics. Teams with the best solution to the environmental problem presented move to regional competition, and then to the global level. Winners compete for scholarships and awards along the way, and become part of a global alumni network of researchers, scientists, politicians, and more.

The Envirothon is a program of the National Conservation Foundation (NCF) and supported by the NCF-Envirothon Operating Committee.
Read more about NCF here:
RI Envirothon Website:
Envirothon Global Website:

Want to get involved in Envirothon?
It's not too late for your school to join the fun! Contact President Peter Stetson or Coordinator Paul Dolan at 401-500-0399 or Envirothon also welcomes community volunteers and is currently looking for board members. Please reach out directly for more information. 

Envirothon is also taking gift card orders through RaiseRight as a fundraiser for next year's winning team to travel to Alberta, Canada for the international finals!
Check out the gift cards being offered and what proceeds will be donated to Envirothon here:
To order your gift cards to benefit Envirothon, contact Peter Stetson at 

Free Information Session: How to Improve Your Farm or Forest! 

Thank you to all who attended and made our workshops happen!

If you attended this workshop and would like further assistance, or couldn't make it but are still interested in working with us, please reach out to Outreach Specialist, Jessamy, at and she will connect you with the right contact person.

Press Release

NRICD Farm of the Year: Basil Farm!
We are pleased to announce this year's farm of the year, Basil Farm! Basil Farm is operated by Lia Lee and Xeng Yang who have over 40 years of farming experience in many different environments- from Laos to America, from city to countryside. Basil Farm markets its produce at the Neutaconkanut Park and Sankofa farmers markets in Providence, as well as fulfilling special orders for small local markets. They also participate collaboratively in the Snake Den Farm Committee. Congratulations, Basil Farm!

A message from your Providence County leadership team...

To our valued Providence County farmers, growers, and forest managers:
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Providence County Team and Northern Rhode Island Conservation District (NRICD) are both in periods of unprecedented growth and change. Many of our longtime conservation planners are moving on to new opportunities, promotions, and new careers, causing us to welcome new members to our planning team. At the same time, record amounts of federal conservation funding were received in the 2024 fiscal year.... READ MORE

Farm, Forest, and Open Space Program

Farm, Forest, and Open Space program applications are signed by appointment only. To arrange an appointment, please contact Molly Allard at or 401.934.0840 ext. 2. These appointments take 15-30 minutes, can typically be scheduled within the week, and a $100 fee to NRICD is due at the time of the appointment.

For more information about Farm, Forest, and Open Space, please visit the RIDEM Division of Agriculture or speak with your local tax assessor.

2024 RI Envirothon Winner!

Winner of the 2024 Envirothon is the Wheeler School!
Thank you to all those who made this year's Envirothon possible! Follow RI Envirothon on Facebook for more updates.

NRICD District Manager, Molly Allard, Interviewed on 103.1 FM, WBLQ!

Our DM Molly is radio famous! Listen below to her interview on the Resiliency Radio Hour show, hosted by the Southern RI Conservation District (SRICD). Gina Fuller, SRICD District Manager, and Katie Keiffer, SRICD Board Member, host this weekly broadcast highlighting the latest in RI conservation news.

Listen to Molly's episode:
Learn more about Resiliency Radio Hour:

Annual State-Wide  Conservation Dinner

Thank you to all who came out to support us! We're hopeful to sell out again next year. Have any questions, comments, or concerns about this year's dinner? Reach out to Outreach Specialist Jessamy LeBeau at

Frights and Fungi Family Mushroom Walk 

Thank you to all who joined us on our fungi walk! We'll see you ghouls and goblins next year!

Gather Farm Tour — Monday, September 30, 2024
Thank you, Gather Farm, for having us! Check out our photos from this event below, and stay tuned for our next tour!

Are you a farm or land owner in Providence County and would like to host a tour of your property? Please email outreach specialist Jessamy, at!

Oyster Mushroom Workshop Postponed

Our indoor oyster mushroom workshop with the RI Mycological Society, which was to be held Saturday, May 25 at the Knight Memorial Library in Providence, is in the process of being rescheduled.

If you are interested in attending, please fill out the Google form below!
Indoor Oyster Mushroom Workshop Interest Form 

Follow Us!

© Copyright Northern RI Conservation District. All rights reserved.
2283 Hartford Avenue • Johnston, RI 02919
Tel: 401.934.0840 • Fax: 401.934.0843